Sunday 12 July 2015

24 to 106 Battle of Britain News Bulletin

The Battle of Britain news bulletin is a daily episode running from the 10th of July to the 30th of September covering the air fighting as it unfolded over the summer of 1940.  Each episode is released on same date it occurred 75 years ago.

It can be found on iTunes or via your favourite podcast feed.
This RSS URL might help.

Or you can list directly from


  1. Let's try this again...having technical difficulties...anyway, Thank you Tony, these podcasts are great. I'm really enjoying them and appreciate all the work you're putting into the project. Well done you...

  2. Thanks for sharing beneficial information with us about Battle of Britain. Your blog article is really very nice and well written.

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  3. Love your podcast, and can't wait to see what you choose to talk about next. I didn't catch the podcast you recommended at the end of this series. What was it?

  4. Love your podcast, and can't wait to see what you choose to talk about next. I didn't catch the podcast you recommended at the end of this series. What was it?

  5. When is the next episode due out?

  6. When is the next episode due out?
