Sunday, 12 July 2015
24 to 106 Battle of Britain News Bulletin
The Battle of Britain news bulletin is a daily episode running from the 10th of July to the 30th of September covering the air fighting as it unfolded over the summer of 1940. Each episode is released on same date it occurred 75 years ago.
It can be found on iTunes or via your favourite podcast feed.
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Tuesday, 19 August 2014
23. Three V-bombers and one atomic bomb
Monday, 28 April 2014
22. The Decline and Fall of the British Aircraft Industry
The post war years are seen by many and with some justification to be a golden age of British aero engineering. But with too many companies chasing a dwindling number of contracts and a Government that didn’t know the first thing about jet aircraft the ‘golden age’ wasn't going to last long.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
21. What Goes Up Must Come Down
The British Government is desperate to offload the national debt and with that in mind the South Sea Company bribes enough people to make sure they get to take it on. Their plan? An pyramid scheme to make money from an ever rising share price but someone forgets to mention that bubbles always burst. The parallels with todays financial crisis are too many to mention.
Monday, 6 February 2012
20. When is a Trading Company not a Trading Company?
War maybe Hell but it’s also very, very expensive and like almost every other country European country in the early 1700s England was deeply in debt. Enter the South Sea Company and a story that mixes avarice, corruption, deceit, international intrigue and vast sums of other people’s money all topped off with political infighting and an unpopular monarch.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
19. The Putney Debates
During the latter part of 1647 a small church at Putney on the banks of the Thames saw ordinary soldiers and their civilian supporters call for not just for political and religious toleration, but also for the franchise to be extended beyond the landed gentry. The Putney Debates paved the way for many of the civil liberties we value today but seems largely forgotten.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
18. 1914 to the decline of Empire
World War One was the most significant event of 20th Century and amongst other things marked the beginning of the end of Pax Britannia. The vacuum left would be readily filled by others but it wasn’t going to be plain sailing. Almost a hundred years after World War One the future of the Royal Navy is as uncertain as it’s ever been.